Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dear City of Beverly Hills

Dear City Of Beverly Hills Sign Placement Department:

Great job. Honestly, top marks here:

Recently, I found myself frustrated when traveling east on Burton Way; an already bizarrely designed road with its ice floe left turn lanes seemingly devoid of traffic lights to obey as you wait in them, knowing my left on Doheny was coming up at some point, but unsure exactly when. LO and behold, you, Sign Placement Department, no doubt a benefactor of whatever civic rehabilitation program was hiring the criminally moronic, saw fit to place a big, giant yellow placard DIRECTLY covering the sign for Doheny. How could anyone possibly hammer this into the ground, step back, and think "perfect!" here?

Necessity being the mother of invention, perhaps there was an epidemic of be-Bentleyed Beverly Hills morons driving up onto the island, their eyes bewitched, their vehicles magnetically attracted to the sign, its forrest green tint the same color as the grass beneath it; its very presence already indicating that perhaps you should go one way or the other around it. Thank GOODNESS, City of Beverly Hills Sign Placement Department, you have remedied that egregious situation by investing in this campaign of redundant signage, covering your existing street signs up entirely. The fiscal travesty of this is doubly offensive, as not only is it wasteful spending, but the money spent on this initiative could easily be used to trim the low-hanging foliage ALSO covering the individual cross street signs on the far right side of the lanes, helping to not only rectify this situation, but certainly to mollify yours truly.

Next time, I'll take just drive a little further up and take San Vicente. That'll be a much easier intersection to navigate:

Best regards,
Dear Crabby

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